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Top 5 Tips for Tile Maintenance

Tiles are a key design addition in every space, whilst also battling against foot traffic, resisting spills, and tolerating cleaning products. But, to continue shining, they require care and attention. Maintaining your tiles not only preserves their beauty but also extends their lifespan, ensuring they remain a source of pride in your home. This blog post will walk you through the top 5 essential tips for tile maintenance, enabling you to keep your tiled surfaces looking as splendid as the day they were laid.


Regular Cleaning Routine

1. Daily and Weekly Cleaning Tips

The first line of defence in tile maintenance is a regular cleaning routine. Sweep or hoover your floors daily to remove dirt and debris that can cause abrasions. Weekly mopping with a gentle cleaner prevents buildup and retains the tile's sheen. For wall tiles, wiping with a damp cloth can keep them fresh.


2. Choosing the Right Products

Not all cleaners are designed for tiles, acidic cleaners may etch natural stone, while harsh chemicals can strip sealants. Opt for pH-neutral cleaning solutions specifically designed for tile and grout. Also, microfibre mops and cloths are gentle on tile surfaces and effective in trapping dirt.


3. Deep Cleaning Strategies

Every few months, your tiles deserve a deep clean. Use a steam cleaner for a thorough grime removal or a cleaning solution with a little more potency than your regular products. Always test any strong solution on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn't damage the tile.


Dealing with Grout

1. Importance of Clean Grout

Grout is the unsung hero of a beautiful tiled area, but it's also a magnet for dirt and mildew. Keeping it clean is as crucial as cleaning the tile itself. Dirty grout can make even the cleanest tiles look dirty.


2. Effective Grout Cleaning

For routine cleaning, use a soft brush and a mixture of baking soda and water. For tougher stains, a bleach based solution can be applied—just allow it to sit for several minutes before scrubbing. Remember, never use a metal brush as it can damage grout and tiles.


3. Protecting Your Grout

Sealing your grout after cleaning helps protect it from moisture and staining. Grout sealants can last up to a year and are an essential step in grout maintenance. Apply the sealant with a small brush and wipe away any excess that gets on the tile.


Sealing Tiles for Protection

1. The Role of Sealant

Sealants act as a barrier, protecting your tiles from stains and wear. Especially for porous tiles like natural stone, sealing is non-negotiable. It prevents water, oil, and dirt from penetrating the tile's surface, making them easier to clean and maintain.


2. Types of Sealants

There are two main types of sealants: penetrating and surface. Penetrating sealants seep into the tile, protecting it from within, while surface sealants create a protective layer on top. Choose the sealant that corresponds to your tile type and the area it is installed in.


3. Application Guide

Sealant application doesn't have to be daunting. Clean your tiles thoroughly and ensure they're dry. Apply the sealant evenly with a foam brush or spray bottle, following the manufacturer's instructions. Allow it to cure for the recommended time before using the tiled area again.


Repair and Replacement Strategy

1. Recognising Tile Damage

Cracks, chips, and loose tiles are signs that repairs are due. Ignoring these can lead to more extensive damage over time.


2. DIY Minor Repairs

Small chips can often be fixed with epoxy or filler kits matched to your tile's colour. Cracked tiles can be glued if the damage is minimal, but if the crack is severe, replacement is the better option.


3. Professional Help

For extensive damage, especially with natural stone or tiles that require resealing after repair, it's best to hire a professional. They can ensure that repairs are seamless and the integrity of your tilework is preserved.


Preventative Measures and Good Practices

1. Extending Tile Life

Place mats at entrances to catch dirt, use protective pads under furniture, and address spills immediately to prevent staining. In wet areas, ensure proper ventilation to combat mould and mildew growth.


2. Best Practices for Different Environments

Each space demands tailored care. For example, outdoor tiles require regular sealing to resist the elements, while bathroom tiles benefit from regular mildew-resistant spray treatments.


3. Avoiding Bad Habits

Never use abrasive cleaners or pads on tiles. Avoid dragging heavy objects across your floor and beware of using too much water on unsealed tiles, which can seep into the layers beneath.


Navarro Tiles – Professional Tiling Advice

Your tiles are an investment in your home's beauty and value. By following these top 5 tips for tile maintenance, you'll keep that investment secure and your tiles as beautiful as ever. Regular cleaning, proper sealing, attentive repair, and strategic prevention will ensure your tiles remain a durable and stunning feature in your home for years to come, and we are pleased to recommend a variety of products to help. To find out more, please contact our team today.

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